CyberCloud Team

Release 1 March 2024

AUTHOR: CyberCloud Team

We're excited to announce the latest release of, packed with new features and bug fixes to enhance your pentesting efficiency and experience. Here's what's new and improved:


  • #PP-83: We're excited to announce the completion of our Stripe integration within PentestPortal. This significant update brings seamless subscription management directly to your dashboard. Now, you can start a subscription, buy or remove seats, and view or update your billing and payment information—all without leaving PentestPortal. Catering to a wide range of users, we offer three tailored subscription plans:

    • Freelancer (ideal for solo pentesters)

    • Pentest Company (designed for pentest companies) and

    • Enterprise (for pentesters working within firms).

    Choose between monthly or yearly payment options, with the yearly subscription offering a more cost-effective solution. Simplify your payment process and focus more on your penetration testing work with PentestPortal's integrated subscription service.


  • #PP-153: added an additional color palette to the settings screen for more specific dark-mode customization.

  • #PP-170: hostnames imported from external scanning tools are now displayed in uppercase.

  • #PP-165: extended the shown information of targets within the risk screen for clearer application of findings.

  • #PP-167: updated deployment files to guarantee and limit CPU/memory resources for each instance.

  • #PP-169: implemented plugin ID 10736 DCE Services Enumeration as a fallback method for hostname detection.

  • #PP-143: always show the 'Send report' button but disable it when the pentest is still in progress or in review.

  • #PP-168: it is now possible to copy findings from one pentest to another, removing screenshots for sensitivity.

  • #PP-162: rebuilt the code that manages the rights cache, making it 10 times smaller and improving application performance.

  • #PP-147: it is now possible to set a FROM name for custom SMTP settings.

Bug fixes

  • #PP-181: fixed an issue where the button to delete a reproduction step disappeared in some situations.

  • #PP-178: resolved a problem where sometimes a new user could not be added.

  • #PP-177: addressed a freeze issue on the main risk database screen related to the addition of attachments to risks.

  • #PP-142: fixed some language bugs.

  • #PP-144: improved the way errors are shown in the front-end.

  • #PP-180: the support chat was not visible on the login screen.

  • #PP-164: resolved an error on the pentest waiver screen due to incorrect target checks.

  • #PP-155: fixed an issue where the branding settings screen was not always refreshed after making changes.

We believe that PentestPortal will greatly enhance the experience of individual penetration testers, penetration testing firms and enterprises conducting their own pentests and that PentestPortal contributes to more efficient and effective penetration testing. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and tailor the software to meet your needs.

Thank you for choosing our software, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this exciting new release!

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