CyberCloud Team

Release 12 December 2023

AUTHOR: CyberCloud Team

As the year draws to a close, we at PentestPortal are excited to announce our (probably) final release of 2023. We are you so thankful for all feedback and involvement. Thanks again and let us know how we can make your life as pentester even happier!


  • #PP-12: Complete English localization
    PentestPortal is now fully accessible in English across all areas, including the front-end, back-end, and all email communications. Wait, this sounds too easy! :-) Yes, it was far more work than can be explained in just one sentence. To give you a little impression, below some of the subtasks we have done to complete this feature.

    • Subtask PP-53: Implement frontend i18n support for PentestPortal.

    • Subtask PP-54: Backend i18n support for PentestPortal.

    • Subtask PP-55: Set default language for contact persons in PentestPortal.

    • Subtask PP-56: Implement users' default language settings in their profiles.

    • Subtask PP-57: Terminology per role (out of scope).

    • Subtask PP-58: Translation of emails sent from PentestPortal.

    • Subtask PP-59: Translation of the PentestPortal frontend.

    • Subtask PP-60: Translation of the PentestPortal backend.

    • Subtask PP-61: Translate quality standards in PentestPortal.

    • Subtask PP-62: Implement a language switcher in the frontend.

    • Subtask PP-69: Update translations in bulk for PentestPortal.

    • Subtask PP-74: Add language settings for first user when starting a new instance.

    • Subtask PP-75: Send error codes from backend to frontend for translation.

    • Subtask PP-78: Display translated form error messages.

    • Subtask PP-82: Translate the translation file for PentestPortal.

  • #PP-24: Enhanced risk template creation flow
    The process for creating new risk templates has been streamlined, making it more user-friendly to contribute to the main database.

  • #PP-48: Redesigned SSL/TLS Analyzer
    The Cyber Scanner's SSL/TLS analyzer has been entirely rebuilt for increased efficiency and improved accuracy.

  • #PP-88: Conditional CSV download
    The option to download risks in CSV format is now enabled only when the assessment status is marked as complete.


  • #PP-20: Corrected an issue where the liability waiver download button was not displayed properly after conducting a quality check and signing the waiver.

  • #PP-28: Added additional sanitization measures for filenames during the upload process.

  • #PP-33: Improved the visibility of links in dark mode for better readability.

  • #PP-35: Updated the error message displayed when cyber credits have expired for clearer understanding.

  • #PP-38: Addressed and resolved a minor caching problem.

  • #PP-45: Removed a distracting UI bug and celebrated the fix with a coffee break.

  • #PP-46: Fixed an issue where objectIDs were incorrectly displayed instead of the proper data attributes in data tables.

  • #PP-70: Enhanced the speed of executing quality checks for more efficient processing.

  • #PP-77: Introduced the ability to vary the favicon as needed and removed old static ones.

  • #PP-85: Resolved an issue where certain quality checks couldn't be executed under specific conditions.

We believe that PentestPortal will greatly enhance the experience of individual penetration testers, penetration testing firms and enterprises conducting their own pentests and that PentestPortal contributes to more efficient and effective penetration testing. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and tailor the software to meet your needs.

Thank you for choosing our software, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this exciting new release!

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