CyberCloud Team

Release 14 May 2024

AUTHOR: CyberCloud Team

We're excited to announce the latest release of, packed with new features and bug fixes to enhance your pentesting efficiency and experience. Here's what's new and improved:


  1. #PP-222: We have updated the default sorting order within the 'Completed Pentests' category to be descending. This means that the most recent pentests will now appear at the top of the list, aligning with the sorting logic used in 'Scheduled Pentests'.

  2. #PP-90: A new heatmap feature has been added to the dashboard, providing a visual representation of findings across various pentests.

  3. #PP-215: We have completed our patch checks for April 2024. Numerous packages have been upgraded to enhance security and performance.

Bug fixes

  1. #PP-210: The image upload limit has been increased from 5MB to 10MB, accommodating the larger file sizes of modern screenshots.

  2. #PP-211: Fixed an issue where the portal would crash spontaneously, which was synchronized with the moments metrics were sent. This issue has been resolved.

  3. #PP-221: Addressed an issue where users encountered an empty page after the cover page in CyberScanner.

  4. #PP-225: Resolved a bug that prevented the sending of the pentest waivers under certain specific conditions.

  5. #PP-212: We have fixed an issue where users could not select a risk title when attempting to delete a risk at the assessment level, forcing them to type extensively.

  6. #PP-218: The 'qaDemand Reproduction Steps (screenshots)' functionality has been corrected. It previously marked entries as incorrect automatically and erroneously.

  7. #PP-213: Fixed a bug where the order of reproduction steps was not being saved correctly in the main risk database.

  8. #PP-226: The issue with SMS delivery failure during report and risk notifications has been resolved by updating the backend to accommodate changes in our SMS provider's authentication implementation.

  9. #PP-231: Resolved an issue in text blocks such as 'Description' or 'Recommendations' where pressing the <Enter> key did not start a new line. Users can now properly format their input by creating new lines as needed.

  10. #PP-230: Fixed a problem where users encountered 400 errors ("Response error: 'PenTestAssessment validation failed'") while filling out the compliance checklist. This issue has been corrected to ensure error-free form submissions.

  11. #PP-221: Addressed an issue from the last release where shortcuts such as $, {{, and !! were not functioning. These shortcuts have been restored to full functionality.

We believe that PentestPortal will greatly enhance the experience of individual penetration testers, penetration testing firms and enterprises conducting their own pentests and that PentestPortal contributes to more efficient and effective penetration testing. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and tailor the software to meet your needs.

Thank you for choosing our software, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this exciting new release!

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